August 13th 1992 my baby girl was born. Back then we didn't get a chance to check to see what sex the baby was so I had no idea. For my shower most of the items were yellow, green and mixed with blue and pink. I was sure that you were going to be a boy. When walking through malls people would look at me and say "Boy" my tummy stuck straight out so that was suppose to mean I was having a boy.
the page i made is of me at the baby shower Kim Whittaker held for me. It also has my first boarder punch that Sarah my daughter bought for my birthday
I used the cricut cartridge car decals again... seriously loving the cute stick people
here is a pic of the 3 dot around the page boarder punch
and the final layout.
thanks for stopping by
Great two pager! Love the story behind it and the "old" photos! Lovely color combo, too!